80% of the problems and set-backs on projects and programs are caused by 20 % of the people. Not failed R&D projects nor technical/scientific shortfalls, but PEOPLE, either in the contractor/lab or in the end-user customer community. This book shows you how to sidestep the pitfalls of poorly-designed projects, and avoid the quicksands of narcissists and sociopaths. Learn how to deliver on-time and under-budget, in spite of under-resourcing and pesky managers.
Designed for all Project Managers (PMs) and engineers, everywhere, regardless of experience level
Packed with real-world examples and what went wrong
Learn to manage things and lead people
Recognize and deal with bullies, sociopaths and narcissists, both on staff and in your leadership!
What to do when your boss is wrong!
Stories and tips never-before-published
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